Gerard Depardieu

Gerard Depardieu talks about his time with Dr. Tomatis


In this video, Depardieu talks  about the therapy he had with Dr. Tomatis.  I always found this to be a fascinating story.

The French actor had problems with hearing and speech.  He needed treatment to overcome these difficulties when he was  a teenager.

Dr. Tomatis also helped the actor when he went to America, as he needed to understand English.


I first read about this in’ Vogue’.

Depardieu had made the film ‘Green Card’, and many people were  fascinated with this new actor.


Dr. Tomatis believed in the power of classical music.

I had not considered classical music as a source of healing before.

From that day, I played classical music, and I believe that it has helped me in my life, remain calm, but also I now hear more sounds and notes than I did.

This is the gift of classical music, to introduce us to new sounds.



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